Thursday, October 2, 2008


I always tell my kids that if they have to hide something or sneak it, then they probably know they should not be doing it. Transparency is the easiest test of right and wrong for anyone who is accountable. We are all accountable to God and the scary part is that in every way we are transparent to Him at all times. He knows our every action, intention and thought. Good thing He is all about grace!

It goes to show just how fallen we are that we constantly make the wrong choices knowing that our all knowing Father will find out. OK, not just find out, He knew we were going to do it before we did it. I guess maybe if we work harder to let Him truly sit on our throne, this blatant defiance would diminish. ("blatant defiance" sound harsh, but if we are to honest with ourselves, that is what it is.) Not as easy as it sounds, as most of us would gladly submit, were it that easy.

I guess we need to continue to try harder to follow His beacon and not our own. Remember Jesus is sitting right next to you every second of every day. Does that bother you? It should in a comforting way.

Yhea God!