Monday, April 20, 2009

Remembering Danny

It is April 20th, 2009, the 10th anniversary of the Columbine tragedy. The day the our dear friends Rich and Sue lost a son. The day that we lost a friend. The day that many in our community lost someone special to them. A day that our entire community lost its innocence.

Many a tear has been shed, much pain has been felt, and heartache has reigned supreme, but that is all for not, for it will not change a thing. These are all vestiges of our human frailty. But in truth, today should be a day of remembrance and celebration. A day that we should thank God for the gifts he gave us in those we lost. A day we should see their face and remember the impact they had on our lives. In fact, this is what we should do every day, not just today. Every day we should celebrate all those whom have touched our lives. If fact we should celebrate those who have touched our lives daily, even if they are still with us, for the fragile balance of life stares us down constantly. These are all things that we should do, if we were strong enough, if we were faithful enough, if we truly trust God in his word enough.

The truth is, that our time together here is but the blink of an eye when compared with eternity. If you believe in God , if you believe that God is true to his word, if you believe that God is real, if you believe this with all your heart, mind, souls and strength.  Then you know we will rejoin them in a better way in a better place. They are not lost, they are just lost to us. In fact, They are found.

Lord, my prayer today is that you will comfort us in our human frailness, that you will remind us in our souls of your love and your promises, that you never forsake us. Lord we thank you for the time we had with our loved ones and praise you for all the blessing you bestow on us daily. Lord I ask you today that you let the angles we are missing feel our love as they await the day that they can walk with us to your throne. In you name, Lord Jesus, Amen

So Danny, I say to you today you are missed, but we'll see you again. 

Yhea God!