Saturday, August 7, 2010

That Day

That day will come. "The day", the one that we all know and fear. The day that our mortality comes to an end and our time on earth, with those that we love, comes to an end. In that moment, most of us, regardless of our religion and/or faith believe that we will have revelation as to the truths of God and the universe. Those of us who are followers of Christ believe that in that moment our faith will be validated and we will be welcomed into Heaven, a place of perfection and eternal peace.

This week we lost a member of our community, a man in the prime of his life, whom was taken in his sleep. He was a business man, the owner of a local beachfront restaurant and bar, overlooking one of the most beautiful beaches on earth. He was a family man, with a wife and two sons, 12 and 15. He was not a poor man, and by all appearances his needs were well tended. I have to imagine that if asked, he would say, that in most ways he had it all. I did not know him, though I do know his family somewhat. But I can see the devastation that his death has caused. I can see the sadness and questioning throughout a community, who has lost one of their own before their time.

I wish I could just convince everyone, this is why you need to find Jesus, and do it now. Because that is, what I believe, they need to do. But I can also say that I am, as a believer in my own eternal salvation, still somewhat unsettled when it comes to my own mortality. I don't want to not be able to see my kids grow up. I don't want to not be with my wife, my family, or even my friends. I am scared. For just as this man in our community died, just as my sister died, or even for that matter just as Michael Jackson died, we never know when our moments on this earth will come to pass, and that is terrifying. Even as a Christian, it is scary, I am glad I have that to hold on to the help assuage my fears.

I know when you really stop and think about it, many things in life become unimportant, insignificant, even ridiculous. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you really spend today arguing with the guy at garage about the cost of brake pads, would you make sure to spend the day shopping for a new refridgerator, would you sit in the office all day trying to make that last dollar? I hope not. I know I would would want to spend it with my family and maybe even my friends, doing something incredible, something that I love. It is not that it would even matter doing what, just enjoying my time.

I also know I would also want to devote some of that day to prayer, not praying for my entrance ticket to eternal salvation, though I know I would ask, but praying for God to bring comfort to my family, friends and community as they experience loss. I would pray for God to care for and look after each of my family members and help them navigate the puzzles of life. I would also pray that each and every one of them find it in their heart to have a relationship with God, so that selfishly, I would be able to see them again.

So today this is my prayer for "Trukie", his family, and our entire community. God please comfort each and every one of us, but Lord give special grace and comfort to his family. Father may our fears and frailty be overshadowed by your love and understanding, and we all as individuals be drawn to you. May we feel you love and presence and may through this tragedy, we all find comfort in the fact that we have the opportunity to reunite again in your loving arms. Father, may we put less importance in the demands of the world and focus our time on earth on what is truly important, spending time with those we love and loving those we spend time with. Be with us Lord, and comfort us in our mortality, in Your name I pray. Amen

Yhea God!

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