Tuesday, November 8, 2016

People, People

In my life I have known many people. I have known all kids of people. I have known Republicans and I have known Democrats. I have known people who were healthy and people who were sick. I have known people who were Kings, and people who were servants. I have known people who were CEO's, and people who were unemployed. I have known people who were clergy and I have known people who were murderers. I have known people who were kind and people who were mean. I have known people who were black, people who were white, and people who were asian. I have known people who were rock stars, and people who can’t play a note. I have known people who were published authors, and people who can’t read. I have known people who were billionaires, and people who were broke. I have known people who lived in mansions and people who lived in huts. I have known people who were Christian, people who were Hindu, people who were Buddhist, people who were Muslim and people who were Atheists. 

Bare with me... I have known people who were alcoholics and addicts, and I have known people who were teetotalers. I have known people who were straight, people who were gay and people who were transgender. I have known people with tattoos, and people with untouched skin. I have known people who's names you recognize, and I have known people who did not have a name. I have known people who were born, and I have known people who have died. I have known people with two parents who were married, people who were orphans and I have known people who were adopted. I have known people who have won awards and people who were in prison.

Thanks for staying with me, as you can see I have known many, many people from all walks of life and with all kinds of backgrounds. Though they all have very different lives and opinions, there is one common thread that all these people have - they are people, human beings, just like you and me. They all have feelings, opinions, experiences, and fears. They all have good times and bad, they all have times of sickness and times of health. Yes, they all have much more in common than you may think. At the end of the day, they may truly be more similar than they are different. We live in a world that loves to divide us. The media thrives on controversy and drama. Radicalization of our faiths have led us to believe that those with whom we don’t see eye to eye are our our enemy. Our society wants to make our value as people based on what we have or how much we earn. Our insecurities drive us to the need to be right, and we have learned to do this by making others wrong.

We as people have always had differences, and always will. We have desires and insecurities that make us want more, but we also have an inner conscious that wants us to be satisfied. We all desire to be loved and we all have love to give. All major religions are founded on a basic principal of loving others and being a good person, and yet our nature has corrupted these core values.

Our enemy is not everyone else, our enemy is ourselves. The solutions is not to stand firm, yell louder and post more on Facebook. The solution is to stop and listen, and think before talking. I am in no way saying anyone needs to step down from their beliefs, but to know that just as they can hold tight to their beliefs, so can others. The problem is not our differences, it is how we deal with them. I say it is time that we stop and take a breath, and see that we are all the same in the big picture, and we all share a similar story. We are products of our circumstances and molded by our perspectives, and our truths are just that, they are ours. 

Are there higher truths? Yes. I firmly believe there are, and I am happy to share my views with others, but not impose them. My truth comes from my faith, and that requires me to love everyone, regardless of who they are or what they stand for. That means respecting you as a person, and seeing the good in you as well as respecting all of your perspectives and respecting your right to all of your opinions. You see, I do not believe that it is my job to force my truth on you, but to respect your right to choose what you hold dear, even if it is very different from mine. It is not because I am a better person. In fact, often it is a real struggle to keep my head right and my eye on what I believe. I constantly struggle with my inner-jerk and the ways of the world trying hard to pull me astray. But I desire to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

So please join me in choosing peace and being love. We are the key to changing the divisions in our world - not everyone else. You and me. Not later, but now. And not if they do it first. No, be the change you want to see. I challenge you to join me and start now. If I falter, forgive me, and I promise to do the same; but never should we let that be cause to give up the good fight!

Peace and Love,


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