Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The X-Games

The X-games is where Christians around the world and especially across the United States fall flat on their face. They crash and burn like a North Korean missile in an illicit test launch. The X-games  are where we play self serving mind games designed to make us feel better by excluding others.

This is where we judge everyone who doesn't make the cut in our book, not to be confused in any way with "The Book" (AKA ,The Bible). See the truth is the woman who chooses to get an abortion is a sinner, but so is the church going businessman who looks twice at the cute waitress, even though he has no intention of it being more that a fleeting thought. Sure the gay couple fighting for their right to marry are not living in a way pleasing to God, nor are those of us living debt ridden and materialistically who are not tithing the fist ten percent of our income. See the Bible tells us that no sin is any greater than another, and Jesus was the one who taught us not to judge each other. So when we start imposing our flawed values on others, we have only achieved two things, exclusion and alienation.

When the crowd wanted to stone the prostitute, Jesus, said, "Let he is without sin, throw the first stone." the crowd disbursed, as nobody could meet that standard. We are taught that we are supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner. How can it be so hard for us to get it through our heads. Christians have become know for being judgmental, and exclusive, rather than loving and inclusive.

My challenge today is that we all make that extra effort to include and love and not exclude and judge. After all, Jesus spent much of his time associating with prostitutes and tax collectors not just rabbis and holy men. If the Bible tells us to spread the good news of Gods love, reaching out to others might make more sense than shutting them out. Especially is our target audience is the one we are excluding. Let's try and change our ways and in doing so maybe we can change the way the secular world sees christians.

Yhea God!

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